Monday, June 20, 2011

Tall Tales Brainstorming

I've got my basic themes, posing, some costuming and most of my 'model casting' done and now I'm getting into the meat of this project. Initially I wanted to do all of this on location, but now I'm thinking I might wanna try some of the HDR-Composite type portraits I've been seeing a bit lately.  This would require shooting the background image, then shooting my model on a background(either ChromaKey Green or White) and compositing the two images. There are a few obvious benefits to this approach: greatly increased control over lighting and technical elements and I could theoretically get my models all together, rent a studio for an hour or two and bang out the portraits then fill in the backgrounds as I go.  My concern with this type of portrait is I simply don't have any experience with that kind of work and I've got high hopes for this project so I don't wanna  mess it up!

If my models are willing, I'd like to try both pure location and the composite route. Pecos Bill is my first choice for a composited background, since I'd like to get out to the desert for his shot but I'm not sure if that's an option for him to drive out with me for the day. 

Thoughts guys?

1 comment:

Foul Mouthed Preacher's Wife said...

would it be possible to remove greenery from the shoot, instead of driving out to the desert? for instance, if you were to find a spot closer in that had desert type elements, how difficult would it be to remove the greenery?

also, geoff may be able to teach you how to blend the two.

AND, the sierra nevadas are a great little road trip, if your friend would be willing to go.