Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Christina Cano

I took some headshots for my friend Christina Cano recently. Any critique?


Unknown said...


What was your set-up?

I really need to use my strobes again—I miss them!

The one little thing that I noticed that distracted me is a speck of white in her hair. It's straight up from the inner corner of her left eyebrow (left from our perspective).

Mike Perrault said...

Thanks! Setup was a 3.5x5 foot softbox vertical with a 800watt head in there. It was about 2 feet from her face. ( I got a battery pack for my big strobes so I'm not tied to the outlets anymore. SO NICE!)

So when I am a big kid and I'm gainfully employed, I think I should come visit you.

Unknown said...

Excellent! Not being controlled by available outlets would be so great. I need a softbox, too, for that matter.

And yes, you DO need to come visit. We'll go shoot German things, and maybe you'll wear lederhosen.